Types of Voucher Entry in Tally with Examples:

Type 1: Payment Voucher:

  • Purpose: Used to record payments made by the company, such as expenses, utility bills, salaries, etc.
  • Example: Payment of electricity bill amounting to ₹5,000.

Type 2: Receipt Voucher:

  • Purpose: Used to record any incoming cash or cheques received by the company, including receipts from customers, interest received, etc.
  • Example: Receipt of rent from tenant amounting to ₹10,000.

Type 3: Sales Voucher:

  • Purpose: Used to record sales transactions where goods or services are sold to customers.
  • Example: Sales of goods to ABC Traders amounting to ₹20,000.

Type 4: Purchase Voucher:

  • Purpose: Used to record purchases made by the company, including inventory purchases, raw materials, etc.
  • Example: Purchase of raw materials from XYZ Suppliers amounting to ₹15,000.

Type 5: Journal Voucher:

  • Purpose: Used for any miscellaneous transactions that don’t fit into the other voucher types, such as adjustments, provisions, depreciation entries, etc.
  • Example: Recording depreciation expense for the month amounting to ₹2,000.

Type 6: Contra Voucher:

  • Purpose: Used to record transactions involving bank accounts or cash, such as bank transfers, cash deposits, cash withdrawals, etc.
  • Example: Transfer of funds from Bank Account A to Bank Account B amounting to ₹50,000.

Type 7: Debit Note Voucher:

  • Purpose: Used to record transactions where the company receives goods returned from a customer or a supplier, resulting in a debit to the supplier’s account.
  • Example: Debit note issued to supplier for returned goods amounting to ₹7,000.

Type 8: Credit Note Voucher:

  • Purpose: Used to record transactions where the company returns goods to a supplier or issues a credit to a customer, resulting in a credit to the customer’s account.
  • Example: Credit note issued to customer for returned goods amounting to ₹3,000.

Type 9: Payment Advice Voucher:

  • Purpose: Used to record payment advices given to parties to facilitate payments, usually used in banking transactions.
  • Example: Payment advice issued to a vendor for the upcoming payment.

These examples illustrate the various types of voucher entries available in Tally ERP 9 and their respective purposes in recording financial transactions.


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